Proud member of National Gazelles TOP 40 2016


FUTURENT Consulting is now a proud member of the National Gazelles TOP 40 2016.futurent-consulting-national-gazelles-top-40-2016

The National Gazelles is a national SME growth accelerator funded by SEDA and the Department of Small Business Development.
Currently in a three-year pilot, the programme aims to identify and support SMEs with growth potential across 10 priority industry sectors aligned with the National development Plan and SEDA’s SME strategy.
SMEs are identified through an annual call for applications, with selection done independently by private and public sector partners.
The programme aims to assist each business to operate as closely as possible to its maximum potential.
Growth acceleration support is guided by a detailed business diagnostic and growth strategy, and includes facilitated access to finance, productivity and business advice, business skills development and more.



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