PROJECT: Franchisee Training Review (Fuel)

futurent consulting project completed

Another successful project completed…

futurent consulting training program

Who was the client?

Major International Oil Company.

What was the project?

Review the existing Fuel Retailer Training program, topics and content and provide recommendations for improvement.

What were the challenges?

Comprehensive understanding of how to run a sustainable and profitable service station was required. This included knowledge and experience in the 7 Business Management Areas, which are:

  • Strategy
  • Marketing
  • Legal
  • Operations
  • People
  • Systems
  • Financial

Understanding of the internal and external (market) forces that influence a service station and Fuel Retailer’s success.

Also, experience in training facilitation, development of materials and knowledge of current legislation and trends in qualification development was needed.

Why FUTURENT Consulting?

The client utilized our decades of experience in the ownership and operation of service stations in several networks. FUTURENT Consulting had developed the Standardized Service Station Management (SSSM) Model and used the SSSM Audit to analyse the training program.

Did we complete the project on time?

Yes, the project was completed on schedule.

Did we deliver?

We provided the client with a detailed review of the program and recommendations to improve the content, structure and ultimately raise the standard of Fuel Retailers entering the network.

Consequently, the entire training program was reviewed and adjusted.

What about the budget?

The project was completed under budget.

What are the lessons learned?

Fuel Retailer training programs require a careful balance between practical on-hands experience and theoretical knowledge. In line with the latest skills development legislation these programs need to be facilitated by knowledgeable and experienced mentors. Especially given that Fuel Retailers are entering a diverse, complex and regulated trading environment.

Another key element is support and mentoring after the training program to ensure that the right tools, templates, policies and procedures are implemented on site. Programs that do not contain these elements are not answering the basic question: “How do you run a profitable and sustainable service station?”. In short, Fuel Retailers MUST be trained by other Fuel Retailers.

Way forward?

FUTURENT Consulting can provide you with:

  • Detailed analysis of training programs and benchmarking against latest trends and requirements of qualification development
  • Development of training and workshop programs as well as qualification development
  • Provision of a full Entry-to-Exit process for Fuel Retailers that includes training, mentoring, support, business services and entrepreneurial development

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